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Sign up for the customer portal

If you are already a PostNord customer, you can join our customer portal by filling out the form below. If you are not yet a customer, please contact our sales.

PostNord offers its customers a customer portal, which is intended to act as an extension of customer service and to enable efficient communication between the customer and PostNord.

Each customer must appoint a company administrator. The administrator is responsible for using the customer portal in your company. You can request additional administrator users from our customer service.

You can start using the customer portal by creating an administrator user account. (Please note that you can only use the portal if you are already a PostNord customer)

Fields with * are required.

Welcome to use the PostNord customer portal

The undersigned accepts the special terms and conditions of the customer portal. In addition to the special terms and conditions, PostNord Oy's General Terms and Conditions are complied with.

Read the terms here

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