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Our parcel services offer consumers and businesses a wide range of options for sending consignments both domestically and abroad.

The most popular parcel services

PostNord Parcel

We deliver parcels from businesses to businesses in Finland, the Nordic Countries and elsewhere in Europe.

Collection Request

Collection Request processes all parcel returns within one week. Shipments are easy to book on the Pacsoft Online service.

MyPack Home

Send parcels with a maximum weight of 35 kg to customers in a number of countries in the Nordic region and Europe.

PostNord MyPack Collect

Send parcels with a maximum weight of 20 kg to customers in the Nordic countries and other parts of Europe.



In order to ensure that the items you send arrive without having been damaged, it is important that you pack your consignment properly. All the parcels are handled with the help of machines, transported by vehicle and loaded together with goods of various sizes, shapes and weights.

Would you like to know more about our parcel services?

You are welcome to get in touch with us if you want to know more or have any other questions or queries.