The independent and respected sustainability ratings provider EcoVadis, which assesses corporate responsibility, has rated PostNord on gold level. In the rating, we got 71 points out of 100 and we rank among the top five percent of the companies evaluated.
The evaluation criterias are responsibility for the environment, the implementation of labor and human rights, the ethics of operations and sustainable procurement.
Kiwa Inspect has provided PostNord with
ISO 9001:2015 -quality sertificate ja
ISO 14001:2015 -environmental sertificate.
Security and Oiva reports (in Finnish)
Security information for Vantaan Osumakujan logistiic center surroundings
Oiva report Osumakuja 3 Vantaa
Oiva report Ovakonkatu 1 Turku
Sertificate of environmental friendly electricity (In Finnish)
Sustainable built environment
BREEAM sertificate for sustainable built environment Kurikantie Pirkkala
BREEAM sertificate for sustainable built environment Osumakuja Vantaa